Medical Ministry   (10)
Personal Work to be Done VC
Our restaurant workers are not doing the personal work that they should do to bring the truth before those who come for meals. And in some respects impressions are being made on the minds of the workers that are not favorable to a growth in grace. (MM 307.1) MC VC
The food itself will not sanctify the souls of those who serve. Are the words being fulfilled? “For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; ∙∙∙ so that ye were ensamples to all that believe ∙∙∙ . For from you sounded out the word of the Lord ∙∙∙ in every place.” 1 Thessalonians 1:5, 7~8. (MM 307.2) MC VC
This is the work that God has outlined before us. Is it done? Are there employed in our restaurants workers who have sufficient spiritual strength to stand against the temptations that they will meet in the cities? (MM 307.3) MC VC
Let there be shown more of a desire to receive the Holy Spirit as an instructor, and less of a desire to carry forward in human wisdom a work involving so much. (MM 307.4) MC VC
Our young men and young women are to be put to work where their capabilities will be used to the best account. They are to stand where they can carry on Christ’s work of soul saving. They should not be kept in a work in which they are continually on losing ground, a work in which no souls are brought to a knowledge of the truth. (MM 307.5) MC VC
Usefulness Determined by Results VC
It is not the large number of meals served that brings glory to God. What does this avail if not one soul has been converted, to gladden the hearts of the workers? (MM 307.6) MC VC
The question was asked, What does all the work that has been done amount to? Has it had a sanctifying, hallowing influence upon the minds of the workers, or has it been the means of bringing them into temptations that have destroyed their peace and hope? (MM 307.7) MC VC
Let our ministers and physicians reason from cause to effect. Unless our restaurant work brings favorable spiritual results, let the world do their own serving of tables and let the Lord’s people take up a work in which their talents will be put out to the exchangers. (MM 307.8) MC VC